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Hosted TLS-RPT Feature Guide

Managing and Monitoring Your SMTP TLS Reports 

The TLS aggregate reports are available in two different viewing formats on the PowerDMARC dashboard: per sending source and per result. You can navigate to TLS-Reports on the left hand side menu and cascade it to reveal the viewing options.Then click on your desired view to select it. 


On selecting Per Sending Source, you would be able to see all the TLS reports per sending source for your set date range and chosen active domain(s). You can change the timeline and select a specific domain for more filtered results. 

By cascading the row you can gain detailed insights about the recipient domain, the applied MTA-STS policy mode, number of successful and unsuccessful sessions, total number of emails delivered and the date range during which the emails were sent. 

If you want to view the JSON file for your TLS reports, you can download it by simply clicking on the Download button under Export JSON, as shown below: 

In case there are emails that have failed to be delivered you can view the failure details by simply cascading the row further to unveil information on the receiver’s hostname and IP address, number of emails that had failed to be delivered, and the subsequent reasons for failures in email delivery, as shown below:   

On selecting Per Result, you would be able to see all the TLS reports per result for your set date range and chosen active domain(s), segregated into two sections. You can see all your successful sessions at the top of the page, as shown below: 

And subsequently, you can scroll down on the same page to view all the failed sessions at the bottom of the page: 

We sincerely hope that this manual has aided you in managing and monitoring your SMTP TLS reports. However, in case of any further queries, get in touch with our support team at, and we will get back to you at the soonest!  

PowerDMARC is the author of this solution article.

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